Plastic Finance - Blockchain Startup in Plastic Waste Management
According to the UN, we dump more than 2 billion tons of waste every year. Global waste could grow to 3.40 billion tons by 2050, more than double the growth in population over the same period. The waste generated per person per day averages 0.74 kg, but varies widely: from 0.11 to 0.11 kg. 4.54 kilograms. By 2050, these numbers could increase by 40% in low- and middle-income countries and 19% in high-income countries. The fastest growing regions are sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and the Middle East and North Africa. Plastics account for about 12%, or 242 million tons, of the total waste annually. About 91% of plastic waste is not recycled, and about 79% ends up in landfills or in the environment as garbage.
The problem of plastic in the world
Research shows that about 8 million tons of plastic are released into the oceans every year. There are several giant plastic soups in the oceans. The largest of these is located in the Pacific Ocean, with an area of 1.6 million square kilometers, or three times as much. the size of France. If the upward trend in waste continues, there will be more plastic waste than fish in the ocean. Most plastics cannot be degraded by bacteria, but instead break down into smaller pieces - smaller ones. more than 5 millimeters long, known as microplastics. This fragmentation process is accelerated by ultraviolet light, which is abundant in the ocean and in open landfills. The fragments spread further across our planet, falling into our sources of water and food.

Since 1950, we have produced over 10 billion tons of plastic. It's no surprise that over 74,000 people can eat, drink and breathe. microplastic particles every year. Microplastics, or a much smaller version of them, nanoplastics, can penetrate our body's tissues. body. For example, inhaling nanoplastics can cause them to enter our cardiovascular system and bloodstream. The chemicals in plastics have been linked to a variety of health problems, including reproductive problems. harm and obesity, organ problems and developmental delay in children. To deal with plastic waste, we need an efficient recycling system. Unfortunately, most of the recycling systems are not as efficient. Of the 270 million tons of plastic products a year, 242 million tons will become waste. Really, reducing usage is the preferred solution. However, given how dependent we are in the plastics industry, recycling remains the primary solution.
Purpose and mission of the project
Plastic Finance focuses on recycling plastic by improving the productivity of waste collectors. We do not break the waste value chain; instead, we add value to the value chain for the benefit of all parties. In addition, we support a tree transplant program to decarbonize CO2 emissions, further strengthening our commitment to a circular economy.

The cooperative collects waste from its members (garbage collectors) and then sells it to Material Recovery Facility (MRF). MRF sorts and recycles waste into a variety of salable waste forms and then sells it to recycled customers. The relationship between Cooperative and MRF is symbiotic. The Cooperative needs better terms of trade and the MRF needs continuity of supply. The link between the Cooperative and MRF is consolidated through the Cooperative's ownership of MRF. The creation of an MRF requires a significant capital investment. This can be done by issuing a security token, PLAS, from Plastic Finance. In return, MRF will share 60% of its annual profits with Plastic Finance, which distributes the net proceeds to PLAS holders as BUSD “dividends”. Legal form in local law,
Brief Summary of Token
- Title: Plastic Finance
- Blockchain: Binance Smart Chain
- Coins in circulation: 23,900,000
- Symbol: PLAS
- Network Type: BEP-20
- Smart Contract : 0xCe34caAEe0b691F8e4098DC31CC8818A1dCcF06A
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